New Technologies Challenge Old Ideas About Early Hominid Diets
In the artical posted above, it talks about how new technology is shedding new light on evolution. More specifically the dietary habits of early humanoids and how it has challenged some long time theories of what these ancestors use to eat. With the latest technology, scientists have been able to get samples of stable isotopes of carbon from the teeth of ancient humanoid skulls. With these isotopes of carbon they were able to determin if the food was using different photosynthetic pathways that convert sunlight to energy. And from what we learned from a few units ago, this would mean vegitation. This is exactly what the scientist discoverd, this pointed to the consumption of grass. Why is this new news to scientist? Because for a long time they would have soley based the dietary habbits of anciestors on the physical features of there skull. Just because they had giant jaw didnt necessarily ment they were able to crack open nuts, if they even ate nuts at all! This relates to the unit we took in class due to the links of evolution that is so apparnt. (That, and I googled searched "news on evolution") The one thing from this artical that I posted above is that its not just humans and animals that are evolving, but that technology and science are evolving as well. And the more that it evolves the more knowledge on past evolution is revealed to us. Lets just hope technology and science evolves a lot faster so I can be preserved in a robot suit.
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